Yunaldi, SH., MH.
Yunaldi (Naldi) is a Lawyer from the AP Law firm, specializing in criminal and civil cases both litigation and non-litigation settlements. Naldi is also a graduate of S1 at the Faculty of Law from Borobudur University Jakarta (2009), and also as a member of the Indonesian Advocates Association (PERADI).
Naldi is actively involved as a group team in solving legal problems faced by clients, the cases faced by him are certainly diverse and different as well as handling cases, criminal cases, civil and administrative cases that certainly have different legal arguments from each other. Naldi also upholds law enforcement for the benefit of the Client both individuals and legal entities in accordance with the applicable rules and prioritizes the values of moral and human values to achieve justice in a law enforcement in Indonesia.
“Jutice is to weigh equally heavily, blame the wrong and justify the right, restore the rights that belong and do not act wrongly on it. Daring to uphold justice, even about oneself, is the pinnacle of all courage.”
(Adil ialah menimbang yang sama berat, menyalahkan yang salah dan membenarkan yang benar, mengembalikan hak yang empunya dan jangan berlaku zalim di atasnya. Berani menegakkan keadilan, walaupun mengenai diri sendiri, adalah puncak segala keberanian)
– Buya Hamka –
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